
Pholios Ethics

1) Pholios will always be free. Pholios is a project which aims at quality rather than profit. Active participation means rewarding, and users who enrich the platform with their contribution will never be asked for a penny.

2) Pholios is open. We aim at maintaining a high quality standard and a professional feel, but never opinionated, elitist or discriminatory.
Everyone is welcome, regardless of their experience, skills or taste.

3) Pholios is non-competitive. We aim at avoiding at all costs rivalry and competition. For this reason, features based - for example - on votes, are avoided or minimised on purpose.

4) Pholios keeps users' safety at heart. Pholios cannot be a guarantor or judge, but implements and aims towards investing a lot on features for detecting potential misconduct or abuse. We aim to identify, remove, and if needed, report potentially dangerous behaviour or users to authorities.

5) Pholios is a productive place focused on work. It is not supposed to become a place for debate, entertainment or argument. Mainstream social networks are for that. Because of this reason, discussion spaces are limited and focused on work-related topics only.

6) Pholios is egalitarian. In order to be able to use online payment processors and finance the project it is required to submit to some controversial restrictions such as banning the female nipple. Since it's not possible to avoid this, it has been decided to introduce Safe Mode and apply the same restrictions for males too.